I love my kindle. The other night I finished a book and could immediately purchase and download a new one from Amazon. Unfortunately the whispernet technology doesn't work in Sudan, so I have to first download the book to my computer and then copy it over to the reading device, but once I got the hang of it it hasn't been a problem.
I am accepting book suggestions, perferably ones without mention of delicious French food. My last read was
Julie and Julia about the woman who cooked her way through Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Then I decided to read
My Life in France, the autobiography of Julia. While these books are inspiring me to try out some new recipes (once I move into my house and have a kitchen) for now they are torturing me as I try to swallow the very strange concoctions that the Winrock compound chef comes up with. A fellow sufferer discovered that the cook is imitating fancy recipes but doing all sorts of odd substitutions for food not available in Juba. I think the all time worst dinner, though, was spare ribs...made from some very tough goat. Not good! I've thought about taking pictures, but sometimes the food is pretty...the flavors are just a bit weird. And then again sometimes they work...the avacado, tomato, and canned peaches salad with basil wasn't too bad today. However, the chicken and custard combo just didn't work...aesthetically or otherwise. I'm still not sure how he decided to make spaghetti on a pizza crust...but I guess that isn't any stranger that the beef stroganoff pizza served in Brazil (with crushed potato chips on top).
"Beef stroganoff is also very popular in Brazil and Portugal, under the name "estrogonofe" or "Strogonoff". The Brazilian variant includes diced beef or strips of beef (usually filet mignon) with tomato sauce, onions, mushrooms and heavy whipping cream....It is commonly served with crisp potato straws, as in Russia... Sometimes one can also see creative servings of estrogonofe, such as a pancake filling, a topping for baked potatoes, or on pizzas."