Most of the staff are traveling this week and next, but those in Juba were invited to their first Thanksgiving feast. In order to ensure they enjoyed the holiday meal, I asked the cook to make Sudanese food. It didn't seem fair to torture them with unknown things like turkey, cranberries, stuffing, and pumpkin pie...not that ANY of those things were available. DRAT! Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal of all times and I missed it!

To my delight(?) the menu included kisra (spongy flatbread made of fermented sorghum batter, much like injera, for those of you familiar with Ethiopian food) and okra soup, which, for lack of a better analogy, is the look and consistency of snot. The kisra is the crepe looking item in the food picture. I unfortunately didn't think to remove the covers before taking a photo!

Here are some pictures of the staff enjoying the food. I was kind and didn't make anyone dress up like a pilgrim, indian, or turkey. One staff member insisted that we pray, since this holiday was to give thanks to God for our blessings. So I was voted to say the blessing.
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