Many of you are development people, while others are interested spectators or minor participants. I doubt anyone reading this blog just doesn't care about these issues. So hopefully you will indulge me in this first post and still come back for the adventure stories and cultural tidbits later on. This blog post will stay true to its name - "musings" - as I strive to find my voice and begin my story.
For me, development and girls' and women's rights is a passion that has always burned inside, but that I have struggled with knowing how to express. My personality is a quiet do-er rather than a boisterous advocate and the term "feminism" always seemed to carry with it a negative connotation in my sphere. But as I've matured emotionally and professionally I've found myself pulled toward activities linking women/girls, education/literacy, and Africa.
This job here in Sudan is the culmination of all my interests and deepest beliefs. I sincerely couldn't be in a happier professional stint (except, of course, if electricity and water were my constant companions!). This opportunity was a long time coming, but I wasn't ready to appreciate it nor prepared enough to be successful at it until now.
Thanks to everyone who has inspired me to be here and supported my dreams.